Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 22

Anggita, seeing her American host family for the first time in 5 years
It was great getting to meet back up with my fellow USIPP participants once they arrived in Bethlehem. Stacy, Jen, and Debra have done a wonderful job of putting together a fun and interesting schedule for us, all the while still allowing us free time and time to relax. We ended the day with dinner at the house with Lloyd and Annemarie (a participant for last year) and a casual discussion about the highlights from our Indonesian trip as well as the things we are looking forward to (like the Amish country we are getting to visit today!). I can't wait to embark on this leg of our journey and spend the next two weeks seeing famous American landmarks with a fresh viewpoint.
--Ellie McGuire, Lehigh University
This program is only going to get more intense.
--Theresa Mejia, Lehigh University
We get into Bethlehem! i met my family yesterday ♥
 --Anggita Paramesti, Gadjah Mada University

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