Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 3

Today was jam packed! I think my internal clock is still in American time because I keep waking up at the wee hours of the morning; today it was 5am. After breakfast today we congregated to the UI library where we first were lectured about the issues and challenges of democracy in Indonesia. Massawadi Rauf had much to teach us about the process of government and what it means to be free in Indonesia and I was really glad that he took the time to talk to us and explain thoroughly the manner in which it all works together. 
After that it was time for a tour around the library where we saw the “quiet area” for particular students doing tasks that require much quiet time to complete, and we also saw the area of the library where the manuscripts are kept. We saw a 17th century Dutch bible, an ancient backgammon set, and even a reproduced painting of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Next, the group ventured out for a lunch at a restaurant where I ordered a delicious noodle stir fry that I definitely plan on trying again. 
When we returned to campus we had another lecture about the Islamic groups of Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama, concerning the Islamic interpretations of each and their role in the Indonesian society. We also had a very productive discussion today with students from various religious clubs across UI’s campus. They helped us to better understand the way different religions react to one another and the contrast between the way their belief systems work and how they actually act. After that we had some American food for dinner at the mall… PIZZA HUT! And after a little bit of shopping, everyone was exhausted and decided that it was again time to go back to the wisma. I’m so glad to be going to sleep because I am so tired. Until tomorrow!!
 --Shannon Cassidy, Lehigh University

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